Wind Direction In Sungai Buloh Malaysia Average
Most precipitation falling will be 4910 mm 193 inch on Sat 18. In February Sungai Buloh gets 18756mm of rain and approximately 25 rainy days in the month. Vy4soqe5hikjrm 19 chance of rain until 1100. Wind direction in sungai buloh malaysia average . Wind in Sungai Buloh is usually extremely calm. The windiest month is August followed by July and September. The mean minimum temperature will be 24C dipping to its lowest on the morning of Sunday 26th at 23C. Find local businesses view maps and get driving directions in Google Maps. Expect the coming week to have some days seeing a little precipitation and some days with rain. Forecast for Sungai Buloh MY. On any given day winds generally follow the prevailing monsoon flow except when light winds are being modified by terrain or weather systems eg showers or thunderstorms and land or sea breezes. Windiest day is expected to see wind of up to 10 kmph 6 mph on Mon 27. To get from KL city centre to Serendah during this t